Tuesday, June 9, 2009



I love you mama! I’ve been w/out $ for a while so it took some time to get some stamps. My friend got me some stamps. My friend got me some today. So you are my list. :)

I got a job! I’m now a dive bomber which is basically a fancy name to pick up cigarette buttes. But I’ll get to go outside most of the days. I haven’t started yet, but hopefully next week.

Have you been watching our show? Every time I watch it, it makes me feel as though were on a couch together. I can almost hear you say “ooh spooky” :)I miss you mama and I hope you are doing better now. I know in your last letter you sounded a bit depressed. I keep you in my prayers everyday and I know you’re going ins the right direction for success. I want you to keep positive. I’m pulling for you.

Did I tell you that I heard from those A.S. U. people last week? They wanted to know a couple of things about my case and asked if I would send them a police report. So, I’m just waiting for some $ to send that huge thing to them. It made me smile to think of the possibility – you know?

Besides that no a whole lot of things going on over here. My new cellie is on over here. My new cellie is going home next month on the 9th. So, I’m trying to get back to house 4. I don’t like it too much over here. All of the people are negative, dope fiends and I don’t like to be over here surrounded by that. I don’t’ fit in with those types of people. They treat me like an outcast because I don’t mess around. But whatever, I just keep to myself and do my own thing. I’m still working out trying to put on more meat. I’m sore all of the time, but it feels good. I’m still hell of skinny, but I’m getting there. Give me another 3 months and I’ll be good. I’m trying to bulk up though, so I’ll keep on a regimen. :)

They changed the store to these other companies; but there’s better stuff. They are selling these Nestea mixes. Remember those? You used to get that kind at the price club. I can’t want to affords some. Yum.

I do miss you though- I wish you were closer. One day soon. I’ll be around more. I can’t wait! But I will. :)

Alright today was my first day @ work. It was cool. I just picked up cigarette butts and walked around the yard. I guess I get paid 25 cents an hour. I know it doesn’t seem that much, but give it two weeks and it will add up to a couple of $ enough to buy some tea! I’ve been so…blah! You know. I am trying to write more but I just can’t seem to get motivated. I wish I had things going on that seem worth writing about.

I need to send you a letter; its been too long. I know you’re probably worried. It’s not that I have forgotten; I just feel gloomy.

The Gila River Newspaper wrote to me asking if I wanted a paper sent to me. It is free but I have to pay for the shipping and handling. For a year subscription, it is $12. After I save up enough money I will probably send for it. A nice newspaper for a year, once a week. That sounds great.

I have been watching all of these travel shows. I want to experience all of these places first-hand, I want to travel to Europe. On foot and experience all of the splendor up close and personal. But it might take a while. But that seems that all I do is wait. Patience is something is something I can now say I have and plenty to spare. So, I will just wait and see when I can afford it or my life can handle such a thing. I also want to travel the Micronesian countries and the Polynesian Islands and New Zealand. I feel like I have something to do over there. I guess I just want to see the world. I want to be somewhere else besides America right now. :)

I do miss you Mama. I am hoping that everything is works out for us around x-mas. I would love to see you all at the same time. I’m sure everything is going to work itself out. I need to write the A.S.U. people and find out what is up.

My left ear hears word not as well as my right as I’m writing this I started w/my ear bud in my left ear and I was completely focused on the letter. But as soon as I switched to the right ear, I was switching back and forth- dividing my attention between the T.V. and the paper. Strange.

Sorry for not writing more. I’m waiting for some $. I got some stamps today! And guess what? I got a book on Dali as well! Can you tell me who sent it? :)Thank you so much Mama. I love it so much! I saw all of the paintings and love them. This art is amazing! I love it! There is all of this art floating around my area, new exciting work that has been inspiring my thoughts. There’s this show that has been coming on PBS, “Art 21”. Its been a showcase of all of these contemporary artists.

Its raining out has been for two days. I like it but want a jacket. They haven’t handed them out. But when there’s no rain, it’s still like 90+ and the other day 100 degrees. It’s probably like 70 degree, but I’m one cold convict. Brrrrr!

I haven’t written anyone in a while and there for haven’t received any mail. But I wanted to finish this letter before I wrote anyone else. You are pen pal #1. :)

Did you watch “Medium”? I could hear you in my mind responding and doing those famous Mama responses, the OOOOs and snorty giggles. :) I miss you.

I need a lot of stamps. I need to send my police report to the A.S.U. people. I wrote them back answering all the questions but I still need to send them the police report. They still haven’t officially taken me on as a client yet, but I am as always hopeful.

I’m waiting for more $ but :) Ha! So, I’ve got me a little something to do during the days and I have to tell you it has been making the time go by a lot faster- yeah!

I love you Mama. I hope all is well w/you. I pray for you. Remember when you change the things you look at, the things you look at change. I love you eternally- life giver. I miss your energy – all of the things you exude make the world a better place to be in.

Tell Mitch and Charlie to be good and I’ll see them in a bit. I love you Mama. May my words hug you for me.


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