Friday, July 3, 2009
Nov. 14, 05
I was so glad to get you letter your words make my days brighter. I love you ad miss you a whole lot. I could use a hug.
I got a letter from the ASU people. It wasn’t good news. They decided not to take my case this semester. I can try again in Jan. They directed me to this justice project- I’ll be writing them next. I still have hope and maintain my faith. It just leaves me sometimes, you know? I just get so frustrated w/the monotony of this reality I’m in. It gets old. I try to not see the remaining time I have to do. I try and think of my life after prison. It just seems so far off. I put it out of my mind. I know I shouldn’t but it happens. I try to do helpful things. I am taking that quote you sent me to heart. I try to be happy and cheerful. It’s difficult in this house I’m in. There is so much negativity and ick. I say nothing to most people. I miss house 4 – the people were just better. I couldn’t feel hate over there. Now it seems like I am just drenched in ick. There’s no respect, no camaraderie. I don’t like it, oh well. I am able to see it for what it is. I hope to learn something from this. If not, I fear I ma doomed to repeat this experience. Say some prayers for me. I love you and I miss you.
I pray that you are well and happy, protected and comfortable. All the happiness in the world I want for you. I hope as you read this you stay away from the negative and continue to be the shining light you were born to be. You’re my beacon of hope. I love you my Mama.
I was watching this show on Van Gogh the other day. They showed his complete works. There was something he said the that i loved, “The pearl is the result of the oyster’s pain.”. I just thought that was so profound. I wrote it down. I thought you might like to hear that. He was a strange man. It was sort of depressing though. The painting of the wheat field with crops was the last painting he did. After that he went back to his hotel and shot himself. Such descriptions lead me to think he was a tortured soul. Another one of our greatest loses to the negative. He was friends with Monet, Manet and Renoir. I tend to wonder how much influence he had over these now famous artists. Unknown to him I am sure. It’s no coincidence that all of these associates became who they are (or rather were) , you know what I mean? Without him how would we know who he collaborated with?
It helps me to know how much influence just one person can have on the world- just by living their life and living their passions. Evan after we die, we can still change history. I think Jesse had such an impact.
I love you Mama and hope you are surrounded by love tonight – cozy and warm. I want to thank you for the Halloween card too. I have it up in front of all the others. :) Full Moon!!! :)
I’ll just send you the paper that the ASU people sent me. Jenni and So-oh wrote me tonight. That was nice- two letters! WOW! What a night. I got pictures in both. One was of Brianna and Patti and a couple of Jenni and her “friends” It is still nice to receive mail thought isn’t it?
Lately, I’ve been getting glimpses into people’s lives. Something will catch my attention about them and I can see a moment in their lives. The CO had his utility belt on and I could see it being tossed down on the floor of an old dusty truck as he drives home. I get the impression of him being depressed as he heads down to either an empty house or a loveless marriage. He has kids but doesn’t see them as much as he wants and he’s sad about that. I get all that from a belt. He’s lonely. Maybe I should start talking to him. Just a hello in the morning or even a head nod. Tomorrow, I will do that. It might help him change his outlook.
It’s weird how something so small as a “good morning” can change your day. I know when these C.O. ’s tell me, “Hello”, it brightens my day and makes me feel human. Oh I know that sounds strange “to feel human”, but being a person and not a “them” is a nice feeling especially when everyone is either orange or brown 24/7.
Writing to you is very therapeutic, I have to say. I don’t feel the need to sugar coat or be vague about any of my thought. Thanks Dr. Mama. :)
I told you about all of the drama over here, right? How my old cellie got into with furgerson’s cellie (dude in the wheelchair) and they both left the yard after a fight. And now fergerson and I are cellies. Oh I didn’t ant t worry you. Wow- I guess I do sometimes tend to be vague- oops! :)I was in Tuscon with Furgie. He’s cool. He is another one from Montana like Buck. He’s 51 years old or so and a really nice guy. We get along great, so it is a great buffer against these others in here. We tend to keep to ourselves. He’s doing 27 years and has the same charges as me. Poor dude. I feel bad for him – no kids-no family-no siblings. I got much love for the dude though. And the bros look out for him. He is working on a sentence reduction and appeal. I hope he gets it.
It could always be worse. I am thankful for all that I have. I need to start appreciation my life more thought and quit being bummed out. Destiny is on my side and there is no fear of fate. I just want to follow the right path now, you know. I’m tired of dead ends and retracing my steps. I want to be everything I was meant to be and nothing less. I’m just stuck right now- the world seems to be on pause except for all the chaos and evil that seems so negative in the eyes of the media and I have no other sight. I think I just need music. My soul is singing yet I have no voice. Can you sense my frustration? Sorry, I tend to babble. :)
I love going to the lodge and singing songs with my heart. I feel pressure releasing with every note. I sing so loudly; the whole world can hear my soul. I swear creativity boils when suppressed! :) Sometimes I feel like I’m going to burst. I love to sing these songs - any good song really. It’s just the most
(prison) socially acceptable way for me to it with a drum. People show me respect. That’s hard to define and I like it.:) The only one that sings now is my head dude. He calls me his right hand song man and that’s cool for me. I just wish others would want to sing too, so that they can share in one of my favorite things to do. There is something about people all singing at the same time together that creates a unity. You can’t get it any other way. Even chanting in unison – think of protest songs- anti-war chants- there’s a unity when these people voice the same thing. Or at a concert when the band plays a song and the whole crows sings along. I still get goose bumps at the beginning of a baseball game when the stadium sings the National anthem. Ooooh chills!
One day I will lead a crowd of people all to the same plane of thought and give them the same chills I experience. I will be quoted like our friend, Van Gogh. I will fill emptiness and shine light on darkness and lead people to dwell on a simple sentence that has a profound impact on their realities. To change the world with a simple sentence would be a feat. Add notes to the words and reach people even further, that is an accomplishment. Generations after our own will be inspired to unwind the evil, chaotic snowball that is engulfing society.
Alright I know it took a couple pages to finish my thought, but once again, you are the only one i feel safe enough to unload upon. :) I love you my Mama! Thanks for being here for me and providing intelligent conversation. :)
Thanksgiving is around the corner and x-mas is after that. Bah Hum Bug!!! Well, eventually we’ll create new memories as a family. Happy ones. I know it. :) I can hardly wait.
I want you to know how proud you make me. You inspire me to create beautifully positive things. You motivate me to be the best person I can possibly be. I hope one day to live up to the standards you have set as a parent. You are the strongest willed, insightful, understanding, creatively intelligent person I know. I love you and thank God you are in my life. One day I will make you proud of me, as I am of you.
Sleep well and let goodness surround you every moment. Your boys are pulling for you!
You loving son,
[two letters came in this envelope]
I thought I should tell you one more time before I sealed up this envelope. I know it is not a hug, but it is close enough. Sorry again about the slow playing response. I don’t know what’s up. X-mas time is right around the corner and maybe I’ll see you then. I get re-classed next month. I’ll be a 4-2, But I will ask for an over-ride as usual. I want to go down to a Medium yard. I’ll have things like walking around, taking a shower every other day, getting a good job and being around more than just my cellie. I will be able to talk to other races with out fear of reprisal. Yep it will be nice! Oh yeah a better store too. They sell those little cups of soup on a three yard. I want to see one of those right now. I bet it would taste great! MMMMM!
They just called standby again, so I’m going to have to wrap this up. I love you my Mama. I still haven’t heard from those ASU people yet. So, I have no idea what’s going on. I was all excited for a minute, but it’s faded. If you could give them a call, I would appreciate it.
I love you immensely my beautiful, intelligent mother. Tell Mitch I said, “Hey!” and give that dog of mine a good Charlie hug for me. As for yourself remain positive and nothing will bother you or distract you! I love you!
Hey there pretty lady! I got those books that you sent! I already read them. I was dumb founded when reading that “What the Bleep do we know!” There was so much to digest, it blow me away though. I love it!
I read that Sylvia Browne book before there other and it’s strange how most of the books I’ve read talk about the same types of concepts. In the Sylvia book, she talks about Edgar Cayce. In the Edgar Cayce book, he talks about basically the same thing. They all seem to run together on some level. Thank you so much!
I was trying to explain the concepts of the book to a couple of people. But as soon as I mention quantum physics” they tend to get a certain look. It’s always the same blank stare as if I am talking in a foreign language. It’s very funny but it makes me feel alone. The sad thing about a closed mind is nothing new goes in, but even worse nothing old gets out! Oh well at least I have you to talk to! :)
It is already December and I’m starting to feel the Bah hum bug effect. Almost everything on t.v. is revolving around the x-mas crap! One thing that is keeping me happy is knowing that you might come and visit me this month! I am so excited to see you! Oh to have intelligent conversation! Don’t’ me wrong- Mom and Papa are smart; it’s just that our conversation seem one sided.
Mt cellie went in for surgery today. He has a tumor in his bladder which has to suck because he has had a catheter up there 24/7.It’s been coming out a lot lately too – poor guy!
We got store today. But they messed up on my order and I didn’t get any stamps. So I had to borrow one. I need to write everyone back and I’ve been bullshitting around waiting for these stamps that never came. Oh well, I guess they will have to wait again. Not a whole lot has been goin on over here. I’m just doing time. Sadly, I have not heard anything yet on my case – so… I just sit and wait again.
I heard from my Dad the other day. He sent me some $. I ordered a new radio, head phones and new shoes. I had a little left over for store this week too. So that’s cool. My friend that works in the store got me a sweat shirt and pants – new ones too! That’s a good dude. He’s always lo0oking out for me. Everyone keeps asking how I got them on a count of they’re not selling them any more. I just dust off my shoulders and laugh. Now all of these dudes keep hitting me up like I’m the man with the plan! :)
I do miss you though. I wish I could hear your voice. But I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels that way! I love you my Mama. I pray all is well with you in the freezing place you call home :) It’s like 68 degrees and I’m freezing this morning. It was 35 degrees and the wind was blowing cold air. It froze my ears.
I love you and miss you as always! Stay warm and continue to alter your everyday reality.
I Love you,
[two letters came in this envelope]
Hey again! I’ve found inspiration today and I thought I would share it with you! It’s been cloudy outside which I love. It makes me a bit hyper. I’ve been harassing my cellie all day long and that is getting old. :) Mom and Papa are coming to see me tomorrow, so I am getting excited. Its been a while since I have seen them. I saw them. A month has gone by without a visit, so it will be good to sit down and have a good talk. I’m writing for Jenni to come, but I haven’t written in about a month. Yikes! I need to write her back.
I don’t want you to think you will be too old for adventures when I get out. You are not your parents and do not smoke like a train. You will be an active part of your grandchildrens' life; I will see to that! :) I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Mom and Papa weren’t on the “side lines”, they were there and have always been an active part of my life! But you will be able to be more in your future grandchildrens' lives.
I’m glad your getting to teach your classes again. I know how much you love being around little folk! You enjoy molding the young for the better.
The things you are reading and the things I have been reading, seem to lead our thoughts in the same direction. In both of the books you sent, they are talking about the same issue. The energy that is us- that will be after our life. The energy that creates our present lives are two different energies and yet one in the same. It plays into reincarnation. But I think the life we live now adds to whatever we were before we become the “I” that we are now – the eternal “us” soul. And if you don’t learn the lessons/experiences then you are doomed to repeat – until your soul understands. We continue on this cycle until we’re ready to move towards the next level.
Edgar Cayce writes about this, but on a more vague level- like we have worlds. There is the world you and I share and the world we own different views. Let’s say, you and I are talking. We express our issues and then the conversation stops. We each go into our minds to mull over the thoughts – yet come back to express our thoughts further…ying and yang? :)
It’s almost as if you go back to consult with past life experiences in order to fully respond to each other. :) Yet, I believe that the consciousness can communicate with each other too. I’m sure you can think back on an experience and verify this theory. Nothing separates us from each other. Freaky! :)I love you!
As I’m writing this , I am going ove your letter to answer any questions you may have asked. I see you writing what I am thinking – that I could only talk to you about these things. :) ha! Everyone else is…. Everyone else! :)
I’m so glad to have you in my life. It’s nice knowing that someone else is pondering these thought along with me. Thanks for being you!
In a 3 of these books, they suggest saying what you wish and knowing it to be true, acting as though you had or become this whatever and the rest will follow. It’s like you have found your favorite part of a puzzle. You just need to focus on it ant the universe will fill in the rest for you!
I’ve done this a number of times w/out realizing it. I’ve done it to accomplish minimal goals that would get me through a couple days or months. I have many examples, but I think some of it is just “going with the flow”.
I am looking forward to getting free, to experiment with possibilities of my future. Anxious? :)
I love you my Mama and I wish for you to be the little bird who eats without worry or fear of not eating. The universe loves you, as do i.
I miss you though and I pray for you everyday. I have faith in you and faith of us and a family. I can see you surrounded by little ones reaching to them and their eyes full of wonder. I can see us as a family laughing and enjoying each others company as we never have before. Not so much as see it with my eyes, but feel it in my heart.
I hope you are doing well mentally, spiritually and are happy in your home. One of these days the universe will surround us w/all we deserve. Until then we are those people completely satisfied and fulfilled. See your dreams and become them. As always my love surrounds you. I’ll be home shortly.
I hope you can still read my handwriting. Yours looks like mine , but yours is better though. :)
As the sun goes down, so dwindles my thoughts tonight. I will write when I feel I have something to say. I love you.
Your loving son,
I was so glad to get you letter your words make my days brighter. I love you ad miss you a whole lot. I could use a hug.
I got a letter from the ASU people. It wasn’t good news. They decided not to take my case this semester. I can try again in Jan. They directed me to this justice project- I’ll be writing them next. I still have hope and maintain my faith. It just leaves me sometimes, you know? I just get so frustrated w/the monotony of this reality I’m in. It gets old. I try to not see the remaining time I have to do. I try and think of my life after prison. It just seems so far off. I put it out of my mind. I know I shouldn’t but it happens. I try to do helpful things. I am taking that quote you sent me to heart. I try to be happy and cheerful. It’s difficult in this house I’m in. There is so much negativity and ick. I say nothing to most people. I miss house 4 – the people were just better. I couldn’t feel hate over there. Now it seems like I am just drenched in ick. There’s no respect, no camaraderie. I don’t like it, oh well. I am able to see it for what it is. I hope to learn something from this. If not, I fear I ma doomed to repeat this experience. Say some prayers for me. I love you and I miss you.
I pray that you are well and happy, protected and comfortable. All the happiness in the world I want for you. I hope as you read this you stay away from the negative and continue to be the shining light you were born to be. You’re my beacon of hope. I love you my Mama.
I was watching this show on Van Gogh the other day. They showed his complete works. There was something he said the that i loved, “The pearl is the result of the oyster’s pain.”. I just thought that was so profound. I wrote it down. I thought you might like to hear that. He was a strange man. It was sort of depressing though. The painting of the wheat field with crops was the last painting he did. After that he went back to his hotel and shot himself. Such descriptions lead me to think he was a tortured soul. Another one of our greatest loses to the negative. He was friends with Monet, Manet and Renoir. I tend to wonder how much influence he had over these now famous artists. Unknown to him I am sure. It’s no coincidence that all of these associates became who they are (or rather were) , you know what I mean? Without him how would we know who he collaborated with?
It helps me to know how much influence just one person can have on the world- just by living their life and living their passions. Evan after we die, we can still change history. I think Jesse had such an impact.
I love you Mama and hope you are surrounded by love tonight – cozy and warm. I want to thank you for the Halloween card too. I have it up in front of all the others. :) Full Moon!!! :)
I’ll just send you the paper that the ASU people sent me. Jenni and So-oh wrote me tonight. That was nice- two letters! WOW! What a night. I got pictures in both. One was of Brianna and Patti and a couple of Jenni and her “friends” It is still nice to receive mail thought isn’t it?
Lately, I’ve been getting glimpses into people’s lives. Something will catch my attention about them and I can see a moment in their lives. The CO had his utility belt on and I could see it being tossed down on the floor of an old dusty truck as he drives home. I get the impression of him being depressed as he heads down to either an empty house or a loveless marriage. He has kids but doesn’t see them as much as he wants and he’s sad about that. I get all that from a belt. He’s lonely. Maybe I should start talking to him. Just a hello in the morning or even a head nod. Tomorrow, I will do that. It might help him change his outlook.
It’s weird how something so small as a “good morning” can change your day. I know when these C.O. ’s tell me, “Hello”, it brightens my day and makes me feel human. Oh I know that sounds strange “to feel human”, but being a person and not a “them” is a nice feeling especially when everyone is either orange or brown 24/7.
Writing to you is very therapeutic, I have to say. I don’t feel the need to sugar coat or be vague about any of my thought. Thanks Dr. Mama. :)
I told you about all of the drama over here, right? How my old cellie got into with furgerson’s cellie (dude in the wheelchair) and they both left the yard after a fight. And now fergerson and I are cellies. Oh I didn’t ant t worry you. Wow- I guess I do sometimes tend to be vague- oops! :)I was in Tuscon with Furgie. He’s cool. He is another one from Montana like Buck. He’s 51 years old or so and a really nice guy. We get along great, so it is a great buffer against these others in here. We tend to keep to ourselves. He’s doing 27 years and has the same charges as me. Poor dude. I feel bad for him – no kids-no family-no siblings. I got much love for the dude though. And the bros look out for him. He is working on a sentence reduction and appeal. I hope he gets it.
It could always be worse. I am thankful for all that I have. I need to start appreciation my life more thought and quit being bummed out. Destiny is on my side and there is no fear of fate. I just want to follow the right path now, you know. I’m tired of dead ends and retracing my steps. I want to be everything I was meant to be and nothing less. I’m just stuck right now- the world seems to be on pause except for all the chaos and evil that seems so negative in the eyes of the media and I have no other sight. I think I just need music. My soul is singing yet I have no voice. Can you sense my frustration? Sorry, I tend to babble. :)
I love going to the lodge and singing songs with my heart. I feel pressure releasing with every note. I sing so loudly; the whole world can hear my soul. I swear creativity boils when suppressed! :) Sometimes I feel like I’m going to burst. I love to sing these songs - any good song really. It’s just the most
(prison) socially acceptable way for me to it with a drum. People show me respect. That’s hard to define and I like it.:) The only one that sings now is my head dude. He calls me his right hand song man and that’s cool for me. I just wish others would want to sing too, so that they can share in one of my favorite things to do. There is something about people all singing at the same time together that creates a unity. You can’t get it any other way. Even chanting in unison – think of protest songs- anti-war chants- there’s a unity when these people voice the same thing. Or at a concert when the band plays a song and the whole crows sings along. I still get goose bumps at the beginning of a baseball game when the stadium sings the National anthem. Ooooh chills!
One day I will lead a crowd of people all to the same plane of thought and give them the same chills I experience. I will be quoted like our friend, Van Gogh. I will fill emptiness and shine light on darkness and lead people to dwell on a simple sentence that has a profound impact on their realities. To change the world with a simple sentence would be a feat. Add notes to the words and reach people even further, that is an accomplishment. Generations after our own will be inspired to unwind the evil, chaotic snowball that is engulfing society.
Alright I know it took a couple pages to finish my thought, but once again, you are the only one i feel safe enough to unload upon. :) I love you my Mama! Thanks for being here for me and providing intelligent conversation. :)
Thanksgiving is around the corner and x-mas is after that. Bah Hum Bug!!! Well, eventually we’ll create new memories as a family. Happy ones. I know it. :) I can hardly wait.
I want you to know how proud you make me. You inspire me to create beautifully positive things. You motivate me to be the best person I can possibly be. I hope one day to live up to the standards you have set as a parent. You are the strongest willed, insightful, understanding, creatively intelligent person I know. I love you and thank God you are in my life. One day I will make you proud of me, as I am of you.
Sleep well and let goodness surround you every moment. Your boys are pulling for you!
You loving son,
[two letters came in this envelope]
I thought I should tell you one more time before I sealed up this envelope. I know it is not a hug, but it is close enough. Sorry again about the slow playing response. I don’t know what’s up. X-mas time is right around the corner and maybe I’ll see you then. I get re-classed next month. I’ll be a 4-2, But I will ask for an over-ride as usual. I want to go down to a Medium yard. I’ll have things like walking around, taking a shower every other day, getting a good job and being around more than just my cellie. I will be able to talk to other races with out fear of reprisal. Yep it will be nice! Oh yeah a better store too. They sell those little cups of soup on a three yard. I want to see one of those right now. I bet it would taste great! MMMMM!
They just called standby again, so I’m going to have to wrap this up. I love you my Mama. I still haven’t heard from those ASU people yet. So, I have no idea what’s going on. I was all excited for a minute, but it’s faded. If you could give them a call, I would appreciate it.
I love you immensely my beautiful, intelligent mother. Tell Mitch I said, “Hey!” and give that dog of mine a good Charlie hug for me. As for yourself remain positive and nothing will bother you or distract you! I love you!
Hey there pretty lady! I got those books that you sent! I already read them. I was dumb founded when reading that “What the Bleep do we know!” There was so much to digest, it blow me away though. I love it!
I read that Sylvia Browne book before there other and it’s strange how most of the books I’ve read talk about the same types of concepts. In the Sylvia book, she talks about Edgar Cayce. In the Edgar Cayce book, he talks about basically the same thing. They all seem to run together on some level. Thank you so much!
I was trying to explain the concepts of the book to a couple of people. But as soon as I mention quantum physics” they tend to get a certain look. It’s always the same blank stare as if I am talking in a foreign language. It’s very funny but it makes me feel alone. The sad thing about a closed mind is nothing new goes in, but even worse nothing old gets out! Oh well at least I have you to talk to! :)
It is already December and I’m starting to feel the Bah hum bug effect. Almost everything on t.v. is revolving around the x-mas crap! One thing that is keeping me happy is knowing that you might come and visit me this month! I am so excited to see you! Oh to have intelligent conversation! Don’t’ me wrong- Mom and Papa are smart; it’s just that our conversation seem one sided.
Mt cellie went in for surgery today. He has a tumor in his bladder which has to suck because he has had a catheter up there 24/7.It’s been coming out a lot lately too – poor guy!
We got store today. But they messed up on my order and I didn’t get any stamps. So I had to borrow one. I need to write everyone back and I’ve been bullshitting around waiting for these stamps that never came. Oh well, I guess they will have to wait again. Not a whole lot has been goin on over here. I’m just doing time. Sadly, I have not heard anything yet on my case – so… I just sit and wait again.
I heard from my Dad the other day. He sent me some $. I ordered a new radio, head phones and new shoes. I had a little left over for store this week too. So that’s cool. My friend that works in the store got me a sweat shirt and pants – new ones too! That’s a good dude. He’s always lo0oking out for me. Everyone keeps asking how I got them on a count of they’re not selling them any more. I just dust off my shoulders and laugh. Now all of these dudes keep hitting me up like I’m the man with the plan! :)
I do miss you though. I wish I could hear your voice. But I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels that way! I love you my Mama. I pray all is well with you in the freezing place you call home :) It’s like 68 degrees and I’m freezing this morning. It was 35 degrees and the wind was blowing cold air. It froze my ears.
I love you and miss you as always! Stay warm and continue to alter your everyday reality.
I Love you,
[two letters came in this envelope]
Hey again! I’ve found inspiration today and I thought I would share it with you! It’s been cloudy outside which I love. It makes me a bit hyper. I’ve been harassing my cellie all day long and that is getting old. :) Mom and Papa are coming to see me tomorrow, so I am getting excited. Its been a while since I have seen them. I saw them. A month has gone by without a visit, so it will be good to sit down and have a good talk. I’m writing for Jenni to come, but I haven’t written in about a month. Yikes! I need to write her back.
I don’t want you to think you will be too old for adventures when I get out. You are not your parents and do not smoke like a train. You will be an active part of your grandchildrens' life; I will see to that! :) I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Mom and Papa weren’t on the “side lines”, they were there and have always been an active part of my life! But you will be able to be more in your future grandchildrens' lives.
I’m glad your getting to teach your classes again. I know how much you love being around little folk! You enjoy molding the young for the better.
The things you are reading and the things I have been reading, seem to lead our thoughts in the same direction. In both of the books you sent, they are talking about the same issue. The energy that is us- that will be after our life. The energy that creates our present lives are two different energies and yet one in the same. It plays into reincarnation. But I think the life we live now adds to whatever we were before we become the “I” that we are now – the eternal “us” soul. And if you don’t learn the lessons/experiences then you are doomed to repeat – until your soul understands. We continue on this cycle until we’re ready to move towards the next level.
Edgar Cayce writes about this, but on a more vague level- like we have worlds. There is the world you and I share and the world we own different views. Let’s say, you and I are talking. We express our issues and then the conversation stops. We each go into our minds to mull over the thoughts – yet come back to express our thoughts further…ying and yang? :)
It’s almost as if you go back to consult with past life experiences in order to fully respond to each other. :) Yet, I believe that the consciousness can communicate with each other too. I’m sure you can think back on an experience and verify this theory. Nothing separates us from each other. Freaky! :)I love you!
As I’m writing this , I am going ove your letter to answer any questions you may have asked. I see you writing what I am thinking – that I could only talk to you about these things. :) ha! Everyone else is…. Everyone else! :)
I’m so glad to have you in my life. It’s nice knowing that someone else is pondering these thought along with me. Thanks for being you!
In a 3 of these books, they suggest saying what you wish and knowing it to be true, acting as though you had or become this whatever and the rest will follow. It’s like you have found your favorite part of a puzzle. You just need to focus on it ant the universe will fill in the rest for you!
I’ve done this a number of times w/out realizing it. I’ve done it to accomplish minimal goals that would get me through a couple days or months. I have many examples, but I think some of it is just “going with the flow”.
I am looking forward to getting free, to experiment with possibilities of my future. Anxious? :)
I love you my Mama and I wish for you to be the little bird who eats without worry or fear of not eating. The universe loves you, as do i.
I miss you though and I pray for you everyday. I have faith in you and faith of us and a family. I can see you surrounded by little ones reaching to them and their eyes full of wonder. I can see us as a family laughing and enjoying each others company as we never have before. Not so much as see it with my eyes, but feel it in my heart.
I hope you are doing well mentally, spiritually and are happy in your home. One of these days the universe will surround us w/all we deserve. Until then we are those people completely satisfied and fulfilled. See your dreams and become them. As always my love surrounds you. I’ll be home shortly.
I hope you can still read my handwriting. Yours looks like mine , but yours is better though. :)
As the sun goes down, so dwindles my thoughts tonight. I will write when I feel I have something to say. I love you.
Your loving son,
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