Sunday, November 8, 2009
Oct. 6th, 2006
I miss you! I was happy as a clam to hear from you. I always am though so my smile is permanent. :) I miss you though. You are not far away from my prayers. I’ve see the many pairs of hands that you have sent. I had hands that have been sent. I had them all out and a guard came by and saw one sitting with all of the pairs of hands (yours and Mom and papa) all over the place and was wierded out! :)
I’m not really doing anything right now. I’m just watching this Mexican soap opera. There’s not really a lot on this time of the day. Today is Friday. We had recreation and I’m feeling tired now. My cellie is writing and so I thought that I might get off my lazy ass and write you!
I’m working on a card for mom and papa. They sent me a picture of them and they look all cute in that one so I’m drawing it . Papa looks all in it. I have him down just not Mom. I can’t get her face right. I don’t want it to look all cartoon like. I do love that picture though. It captures their love perfectly. I almost gives me hoping in finding someone to spend the end of my days with.
I just got a new tape. I’m glad to have it too. It’s sublime and know every song by heart. There’s this song, “Santeria”, when I was younger I had no idea who this dude Sancho was nor the meanings of his songs. In prison when you’re your lady breaks up with you or cheats on you. She will always go with Sancho, despite his name you will call him, “Sancho”. Black guys have Tyrone, but everyone else says “Sancho.” It’s just sad. I had to find out the hard way. :) F**** Sancho! Ha!
Any how it’s good stuff my cellie friend fixed the radio. So, I have it hooked up to my cellie fixed the radio so I have it hooked up to my make shift sound system. I’ve got it in the window like a miniature amphitheatre. :) It’s pretty loud though. I mean just for a walkman!
I’ve been starting to remember my dreams in more detail lately, which makes me happy. Jesse comes a lot; Christifer too. But my favorite is when we go on adventures. But no matter what- bizarre things happen and I wake up thinking, “What the hell?” :) I hope to have one with everyone, but I’m sure it will come. I’m going to write down these people’s hands you sent me in separate pages. Some of their hands are basically the same. Ann’s hands are cool. They have a lot of M’s on them and so does Nicole’s – but I told you that, right? There is this line that we both have that is not mentioned in the book. I’m hoping that it is a great one! But I already know it is. I love you Mama. I miss you a whole lot too!
Would you say that your fingers are pointed – not the nail but rather the shape of the finger tip or more cone shaped? I can’t tell in the Xerox copy, it might be mixed too though There is also a square and a spade shape. Also does your middle finger cling to your ring or any other finger that naturally comes together? Also flexible is your thumb? There are mounds of flesh under your fingers on the palm of the hand that go like this: {he draw a d picture showing the position of the mounds of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Mercury, Mars Sun, Venus and the Moon.
The best way to see them is to look at them from the side. Those say a lot too. You have two squares on your mount of Jupiter (Just like me!). That means protection is doubles against opposition and loss. Imagine life without those! HA! :)
I love you my Mama. I pray all is well with you! I can see you being everything you wish. I want you to know that it is all coming. It’s all on its way to you! Be strong Mama. I have you in my prayers and you are never far from my smile. I am so proud of you and everything that you are. I love you and will be near you soon enough. Really before you know it, we will sit and be able to laugh about all of our troubles and heartaches and look back with nothing but good memories. We will find only positive in past struggles and smile together! Soon enough :) I love you!
I miss you Mama. I think about you and I smile. :) I am so very grateful to have you in my life. So proud to call you my mother. Eventually in its own time, I will be home and you can mama me all you want! :)
I am going to try and get this in the mail today. It’s been way too long since I have written and I just wanted to hear from you. I miss you and I’m sure you want to hear from me. Nothing going on over here, I’m still just sitting on a 4 yard and waiting for movement. Pattie keeps writing and still haven’t written back. I need to though. Mom and Papa are telling me that she isn’t doing so well.
I’ve been doing this thing where I picture myself in the future surrounded by love. I put myself in that scenario and look back on the present now as thought it was the past. I do this and act as though I’m reminiscing retracing my steps from them to now. I find that if I do this, the future- and being accomplished and surrounded by abundance is an easy and natural thing. It also makes whatever is now, seem so very insignificant. (more of a foundation instead of the top layer) the more I visualize using this concept, the easier it is to put myself in my future shoes.
I just want to create and be successful at it. Inspire more creation to write a chain reaction of creation. I’d like to live in a world where everyone is able to express their spirit and create whatever their spirit desires. I know it is possible because it’s a thought and now that you’ve read it. It is that much more concrete. :)
I wonder is just us writing to each other (benefits our individual surroundings) I’m sure it does – when I receive anything from you, I get fresh air in this cell. It is though I can sense the faith you transfer in your written word. Maybe I’m just getting better and picking up on different energies- just never focused? At any rate your letters and your love is always refreshing and restores me.
I will be praying extra hard to take away your negative. I know you will be all you wish- all what you were meant to be.
Disregard all the dead end thoughts that are not yours. All of that negative is outside of you and belongs there. You are always in my prayers and always in my heart. I’m proud to be your son and proud to call you my Mama!
I love you!
[In this letter he sent me a dream catcher and this other quick note.]
I made this a while ago- My first one. I can see you having it around your ankle or wearing it – maybe a key chain? Any how it was made for you. It took me forever not really but I thought you should have it. I miss you everyday and hope you can feel my prayers.
I will be sending the hand next – it is quite a project, but I’m just a lazy dude. I think I’ve gained 20lbs. since the last time we saw each other. I’m making it my goal to become physically fit. :) I can tell I’ve gotten bigger because the tattoos on my chest has gotten smaller :).
The next time we take pictures, I’ll be sure to send you a couple.
I feel old now too. I have all of these hairs on my face and when I shave it, it feels awkward. I’m an old man!
Can you see if this place has a website, They have an O’odham to English dictionary that I would like to have. I would also like the book called, “O’odham Creation”. I don’t know if they have a website or not; but could you check? I would also like more tapes, can you find ‘Daft Punk’ or also some “Hard progressive Trance”. It is a type of techno – Christifer should know a good one. I would love it if you could find a Hopi English dictionary too or a book with every Katchina in it. This is all I can think of. There’s a website on Hopi prophecies. I looked it up a while ago, if you could print it out. I would love that too!
I love you Mama and I appreciate all you do for me thanks for being you!
I miss you! I was happy as a clam to hear from you. I always am though so my smile is permanent. :) I miss you though. You are not far away from my prayers. I’ve see the many pairs of hands that you have sent. I had hands that have been sent. I had them all out and a guard came by and saw one sitting with all of the pairs of hands (yours and Mom and papa) all over the place and was wierded out! :)
I’m not really doing anything right now. I’m just watching this Mexican soap opera. There’s not really a lot on this time of the day. Today is Friday. We had recreation and I’m feeling tired now. My cellie is writing and so I thought that I might get off my lazy ass and write you!
I’m working on a card for mom and papa. They sent me a picture of them and they look all cute in that one so I’m drawing it . Papa looks all in it. I have him down just not Mom. I can’t get her face right. I don’t want it to look all cartoon like. I do love that picture though. It captures their love perfectly. I almost gives me hoping in finding someone to spend the end of my days with.
I just got a new tape. I’m glad to have it too. It’s sublime and know every song by heart. There’s this song, “Santeria”, when I was younger I had no idea who this dude Sancho was nor the meanings of his songs. In prison when you’re your lady breaks up with you or cheats on you. She will always go with Sancho, despite his name you will call him, “Sancho”. Black guys have Tyrone, but everyone else says “Sancho.” It’s just sad. I had to find out the hard way. :) F**** Sancho! Ha!
Any how it’s good stuff my cellie friend fixed the radio. So, I have it hooked up to my cellie fixed the radio so I have it hooked up to my make shift sound system. I’ve got it in the window like a miniature amphitheatre. :) It’s pretty loud though. I mean just for a walkman!
I’ve been starting to remember my dreams in more detail lately, which makes me happy. Jesse comes a lot; Christifer too. But my favorite is when we go on adventures. But no matter what- bizarre things happen and I wake up thinking, “What the hell?” :) I hope to have one with everyone, but I’m sure it will come. I’m going to write down these people’s hands you sent me in separate pages. Some of their hands are basically the same. Ann’s hands are cool. They have a lot of M’s on them and so does Nicole’s – but I told you that, right? There is this line that we both have that is not mentioned in the book. I’m hoping that it is a great one! But I already know it is. I love you Mama. I miss you a whole lot too!
Would you say that your fingers are pointed – not the nail but rather the shape of the finger tip or more cone shaped? I can’t tell in the Xerox copy, it might be mixed too though There is also a square and a spade shape. Also does your middle finger cling to your ring or any other finger that naturally comes together? Also flexible is your thumb? There are mounds of flesh under your fingers on the palm of the hand that go like this: {he draw a d picture showing the position of the mounds of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Mercury, Mars Sun, Venus and the Moon.
The best way to see them is to look at them from the side. Those say a lot too. You have two squares on your mount of Jupiter (Just like me!). That means protection is doubles against opposition and loss. Imagine life without those! HA! :)
I love you my Mama. I pray all is well with you! I can see you being everything you wish. I want you to know that it is all coming. It’s all on its way to you! Be strong Mama. I have you in my prayers and you are never far from my smile. I am so proud of you and everything that you are. I love you and will be near you soon enough. Really before you know it, we will sit and be able to laugh about all of our troubles and heartaches and look back with nothing but good memories. We will find only positive in past struggles and smile together! Soon enough :) I love you!
I miss you Mama. I think about you and I smile. :) I am so very grateful to have you in my life. So proud to call you my mother. Eventually in its own time, I will be home and you can mama me all you want! :)
I am going to try and get this in the mail today. It’s been way too long since I have written and I just wanted to hear from you. I miss you and I’m sure you want to hear from me. Nothing going on over here, I’m still just sitting on a 4 yard and waiting for movement. Pattie keeps writing and still haven’t written back. I need to though. Mom and Papa are telling me that she isn’t doing so well.
I’ve been doing this thing where I picture myself in the future surrounded by love. I put myself in that scenario and look back on the present now as thought it was the past. I do this and act as though I’m reminiscing retracing my steps from them to now. I find that if I do this, the future- and being accomplished and surrounded by abundance is an easy and natural thing. It also makes whatever is now, seem so very insignificant. (more of a foundation instead of the top layer) the more I visualize using this concept, the easier it is to put myself in my future shoes.
I just want to create and be successful at it. Inspire more creation to write a chain reaction of creation. I’d like to live in a world where everyone is able to express their spirit and create whatever their spirit desires. I know it is possible because it’s a thought and now that you’ve read it. It is that much more concrete. :)
I wonder is just us writing to each other (benefits our individual surroundings) I’m sure it does – when I receive anything from you, I get fresh air in this cell. It is though I can sense the faith you transfer in your written word. Maybe I’m just getting better and picking up on different energies- just never focused? At any rate your letters and your love is always refreshing and restores me.
I will be praying extra hard to take away your negative. I know you will be all you wish- all what you were meant to be.
Disregard all the dead end thoughts that are not yours. All of that negative is outside of you and belongs there. You are always in my prayers and always in my heart. I’m proud to be your son and proud to call you my Mama!
I love you!
[In this letter he sent me a dream catcher and this other quick note.]
I made this a while ago- My first one. I can see you having it around your ankle or wearing it – maybe a key chain? Any how it was made for you. It took me forever not really but I thought you should have it. I miss you everyday and hope you can feel my prayers.
I will be sending the hand next – it is quite a project, but I’m just a lazy dude. I think I’ve gained 20lbs. since the last time we saw each other. I’m making it my goal to become physically fit. :) I can tell I’ve gotten bigger because the tattoos on my chest has gotten smaller :).
The next time we take pictures, I’ll be sure to send you a couple.
I feel old now too. I have all of these hairs on my face and when I shave it, it feels awkward. I’m an old man!
Can you see if this place has a website, They have an O’odham to English dictionary that I would like to have. I would also like the book called, “O’odham Creation”. I don’t know if they have a website or not; but could you check? I would also like more tapes, can you find ‘Daft Punk’ or also some “Hard progressive Trance”. It is a type of techno – Christifer should know a good one. I would love it if you could find a Hopi English dictionary too or a book with every Katchina in it. This is all I can think of. There’s a website on Hopi prophecies. I looked it up a while ago, if you could print it out. I would love that too!
I love you Mama and I appreciate all you do for me thanks for being you!
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