Sunday, October 25, 2009
7-15-06 and 7-22-06
Hey there! Well it’s me again. I’m sitting here pondering the unknown. There is some crazy stuff happening. They took my cellie almost a week ago. So now it is just My neighbor, Navin and I over here on this side. (He’s doing a life sentence.) He’s cool though- despite being a cop killer! :) Anyways, there are just two of us and now 9 of them. Crazy right?! Any way a lot of our bros and from that other group are having lock down in the hole. Well, yesterday when we were out at rec., we saw two of them getting out of there, along with this other guy that got beat up by us. This guy, Eli, smashed his t.v. over his head! Any how , he said that the big bro who was running this yard was trying to make peace with the other side. Now my cellie got a letter from that gu7y saying the same thing, but see that big bro can’t make a call like that w/out a lot of permission from the main guys. And he didn’t say that it was “approved”. So they called me and my only bro here out to the warden’s office w/ the S.T.E. guys (security threat group) and the bro that just got let out of the hole. He told us that the big bro just got the blessing to make peace. Well, if that’s not true and I become friendly w/ these guys, that is dangerous for us. So, I need to make sure that this is really happening and not just some evil plot to get us to let our guard down. So… I need you to send this letter to:
[gave me an address]
Just send it to this address here. I’m not sure where he is but it will eventually get to him. I will write you again tomorrow – a longer letter! :) But for now know I love you and I think of you all of the time, I hope and pray you are safe and happy. I miss you and hope you have a great dreams tonight- full of happiness and love. May you wake up with a smile on your face tomorrow. I know I will, one less day spent away from family – you! I love you.
7-22-06 [Another letter]
I’ve been getting a lot of rushes of excitement and anticipation lately. The last week was full of twists and strange turns, very much bizarre. I don’t know if you know this already, but the SSU pulled us out – well my neighbor and I. He is the only one left with me that came form the other side. Well they pulled us out to discuss a peace agreement with those other guys. I told them that we didn’t have any authority to say anything. The one that was running the yard when we left was taken by the STG (Security threat group) guys to the equivalent to the hole, C.D.U. over here. One of those head guys was over in the hole too and they were the ones that initiated the talks. But he still doesn’t have the say so through out the system. Well I guess wrote the “top dog” :) and he got the blessing. Well, at least that is according to him telling us. I’m pretty sure I told you all of this already . Anyhow, he sent his lackie, the one who’s running that side now to talk with us again. That’s why it was important to send the letter to the guy I’m under! So, for right now I have to listen to this guy who’s in the hole and make peace with these guys. I mean I don’t have anything against them and don’t really care why they started fighting. I mean I’ve heard both side’s versions from Rincon. It was just the fact that they were all tough behind a fence you know. It makes us look bad in front of all of the other races to be shaking hands, especially now that we are way out numbered. :) It’s not ego; it is just how prison is.
So, anyways, they gave us a sit down and we got their word and they got our word that we will put everything in the past and join together; which is good. I mean you want to talk about minorities! :) Give me a break! On this yard there are 800 inmates and only 13-15 were fighting each other. Who cares! You know!? Crazy! It’s not like we would throw a couple of punches and then back off when a guard comes. This guy I know in central walls was told to shank this guy when he went into the shower. Well, he did. After he stopped, the injured guy ran off and later died right on the cell block. The cops knew it was him because of the blood trail. He only had like two months left too. I’m guessing why he did it, but for what! Because he had a different tattoo? It’s just sad.
So, this guy, Navin, my neighbor, he is a coll ass dude- almost 30- he’s doing natural life for killing a cop! And people ask me why we’re not cellies! :) He just chose wrong. I mean you would think, I would feel some darkness coming off of him – I just feel sad for him.
Anyway, we went to the lodge yesterday, not knowing if we were walking into a trap or not! “) It was awkward for a minute, a very long minute! This guy who was with me in Buckeye was with them! I mean he has his shield and everything! Anyway, we shook hands- the way W.S. (warrior society) shakes hands. :) HA! And Navin and I were just sitting in the corner giving each other nervous looks.
So we put the lodge up while they started the fire and I picked up the drum and started to sing. And like moths to a flame they came and listened. We traded songs. I knew a couple of theirs and they knew a couple of mine. I lit a cigarette off of the big fire. And that one that with me in Buckeye threw me out there saying that I was the one that carried the pipe in Buckeye. I asked where their pipe holder was. I guess he was one of the many that “left”. So I started to fix the pipe and the herbs. I went back to the drum and sang a couple more songs. Then went and smoked with Navin. Now I had been telling Navin that I wanted to be the first to tell them, “ I want to welcome you back to the circle”, like when we first found out about the treaty a week before all of this.
So, who do they want to start the circle?
It had been a while, but I just let the words come and said what I had planned on saying. But I felt bad for coming out and starting the ceremony with spite in my voice. So, I also thanked them for welcoming us back into theirs. It was awkward just having these guys look at me. But at least I said good things. I just basically let it flow out and after we smudged. I let everyone have a say, but they were good thoughts. But there’s always a couple who have to overcompensate their “Indian-ness” :) It sort of reminds me of the movie “Dances with wolves” or some generic Native talk that one would see through the eyes of television.:) But it was sincere and that is what counts.
So the rocks were hot and it was time to sweat. So who do they get to run the sweat? I had never ran one before. I helped a number of times, but never owned it. So it was different to be conducting. But by this time, I was in the flow and it came out natural. Some say that when it’s really hot, there’s a lot of negativity in our hearts. But I think it is when we need the most healing. And it was HOT! The hottest since I’ve been here :) It was so hot like in 10 minutes in the first round we lost 2. The 5 minutes later, I was left with only 2 others. :) I mean it was hot but you have to suffer of the prayers. . I knew once we all prayed together, that there wouldn’t be that barrier between the two cliques. It was nice to see.
I mean this is the first in the history of DOC to have both sides put differences aside and join the same hoop. I didn’t really think about it, until I retired back to my cell all alone with my thoughts.
I feel more like myself than I ever have. Aid I like me and it feels good. If this isn’t a sign showing the potential of the future, I don’t know what is. I think my spirit guide was preparing me for this when I started to think of what I would say to them a week before I had to. That’s a nice feeling to know even when it is just me – I’m never alone.
So when everyone cam back into the lodge, everyone was almost enthusiastic and discussing the possibilities of a Pow-wow and Indian day (Sept.15). It was nice we finished and I had Navin say the closing prayer ( he refused to go in) :) He’s not very spiritual and was all “what do you want me to say?” :) He gave me this embarrassed look and I think he blushed, but I was all dizzy from the sweat. I told him to speak form the heart… and he did.
So, that is what your son has been up to. Next week I’m going to sit down with Israel and Hezbollah - :) Maybe a sweat and prayer could save Lebanon? (My middle eastern spelling isn’t so grand!) :)
I love you mama and it’s getting late. But I had to write you because I miss you and I’m thinking about you. I can feel your prayers manifesting. It’s nice to know I always have you to look to fro a bit of inspiration. I’ll write again tomorrow. I love you, good night!
I love you,
Your son, Charlie
Hey there! Well it’s me again. I’m sitting here pondering the unknown. There is some crazy stuff happening. They took my cellie almost a week ago. So now it is just My neighbor, Navin and I over here on this side. (He’s doing a life sentence.) He’s cool though- despite being a cop killer! :) Anyways, there are just two of us and now 9 of them. Crazy right?! Any way a lot of our bros and from that other group are having lock down in the hole. Well, yesterday when we were out at rec., we saw two of them getting out of there, along with this other guy that got beat up by us. This guy, Eli, smashed his t.v. over his head! Any how , he said that the big bro who was running this yard was trying to make peace with the other side. Now my cellie got a letter from that gu7y saying the same thing, but see that big bro can’t make a call like that w/out a lot of permission from the main guys. And he didn’t say that it was “approved”. So they called me and my only bro here out to the warden’s office w/ the S.T.E. guys (security threat group) and the bro that just got let out of the hole. He told us that the big bro just got the blessing to make peace. Well, if that’s not true and I become friendly w/ these guys, that is dangerous for us. So, I need to make sure that this is really happening and not just some evil plot to get us to let our guard down. So… I need you to send this letter to:
[gave me an address]
Just send it to this address here. I’m not sure where he is but it will eventually get to him. I will write you again tomorrow – a longer letter! :) But for now know I love you and I think of you all of the time, I hope and pray you are safe and happy. I miss you and hope you have a great dreams tonight- full of happiness and love. May you wake up with a smile on your face tomorrow. I know I will, one less day spent away from family – you! I love you.
7-22-06 [Another letter]
I’ve been getting a lot of rushes of excitement and anticipation lately. The last week was full of twists and strange turns, very much bizarre. I don’t know if you know this already, but the SSU pulled us out – well my neighbor and I. He is the only one left with me that came form the other side. Well they pulled us out to discuss a peace agreement with those other guys. I told them that we didn’t have any authority to say anything. The one that was running the yard when we left was taken by the STG (Security threat group) guys to the equivalent to the hole, C.D.U. over here. One of those head guys was over in the hole too and they were the ones that initiated the talks. But he still doesn’t have the say so through out the system. Well I guess wrote the “top dog” :) and he got the blessing. Well, at least that is according to him telling us. I’m pretty sure I told you all of this already . Anyhow, he sent his lackie, the one who’s running that side now to talk with us again. That’s why it was important to send the letter to the guy I’m under! So, for right now I have to listen to this guy who’s in the hole and make peace with these guys. I mean I don’t have anything against them and don’t really care why they started fighting. I mean I’ve heard both side’s versions from Rincon. It was just the fact that they were all tough behind a fence you know. It makes us look bad in front of all of the other races to be shaking hands, especially now that we are way out numbered. :) It’s not ego; it is just how prison is.
So, anyways, they gave us a sit down and we got their word and they got our word that we will put everything in the past and join together; which is good. I mean you want to talk about minorities! :) Give me a break! On this yard there are 800 inmates and only 13-15 were fighting each other. Who cares! You know!? Crazy! It’s not like we would throw a couple of punches and then back off when a guard comes. This guy I know in central walls was told to shank this guy when he went into the shower. Well, he did. After he stopped, the injured guy ran off and later died right on the cell block. The cops knew it was him because of the blood trail. He only had like two months left too. I’m guessing why he did it, but for what! Because he had a different tattoo? It’s just sad.
So, this guy, Navin, my neighbor, he is a coll ass dude- almost 30- he’s doing natural life for killing a cop! And people ask me why we’re not cellies! :) He just chose wrong. I mean you would think, I would feel some darkness coming off of him – I just feel sad for him.
Anyway, we went to the lodge yesterday, not knowing if we were walking into a trap or not! “) It was awkward for a minute, a very long minute! This guy who was with me in Buckeye was with them! I mean he has his shield and everything! Anyway, we shook hands- the way W.S. (warrior society) shakes hands. :) HA! And Navin and I were just sitting in the corner giving each other nervous looks.
So we put the lodge up while they started the fire and I picked up the drum and started to sing. And like moths to a flame they came and listened. We traded songs. I knew a couple of theirs and they knew a couple of mine. I lit a cigarette off of the big fire. And that one that with me in Buckeye threw me out there saying that I was the one that carried the pipe in Buckeye. I asked where their pipe holder was. I guess he was one of the many that “left”. So I started to fix the pipe and the herbs. I went back to the drum and sang a couple more songs. Then went and smoked with Navin. Now I had been telling Navin that I wanted to be the first to tell them, “ I want to welcome you back to the circle”, like when we first found out about the treaty a week before all of this.
So, who do they want to start the circle?
It had been a while, but I just let the words come and said what I had planned on saying. But I felt bad for coming out and starting the ceremony with spite in my voice. So, I also thanked them for welcoming us back into theirs. It was awkward just having these guys look at me. But at least I said good things. I just basically let it flow out and after we smudged. I let everyone have a say, but they were good thoughts. But there’s always a couple who have to overcompensate their “Indian-ness” :) It sort of reminds me of the movie “Dances with wolves” or some generic Native talk that one would see through the eyes of television.:) But it was sincere and that is what counts.
So the rocks were hot and it was time to sweat. So who do they get to run the sweat? I had never ran one before. I helped a number of times, but never owned it. So it was different to be conducting. But by this time, I was in the flow and it came out natural. Some say that when it’s really hot, there’s a lot of negativity in our hearts. But I think it is when we need the most healing. And it was HOT! The hottest since I’ve been here :) It was so hot like in 10 minutes in the first round we lost 2. The 5 minutes later, I was left with only 2 others. :) I mean it was hot but you have to suffer of the prayers. . I knew once we all prayed together, that there wouldn’t be that barrier between the two cliques. It was nice to see.
I mean this is the first in the history of DOC to have both sides put differences aside and join the same hoop. I didn’t really think about it, until I retired back to my cell all alone with my thoughts.
I feel more like myself than I ever have. Aid I like me and it feels good. If this isn’t a sign showing the potential of the future, I don’t know what is. I think my spirit guide was preparing me for this when I started to think of what I would say to them a week before I had to. That’s a nice feeling to know even when it is just me – I’m never alone.
So when everyone cam back into the lodge, everyone was almost enthusiastic and discussing the possibilities of a Pow-wow and Indian day (Sept.15). It was nice we finished and I had Navin say the closing prayer ( he refused to go in) :) He’s not very spiritual and was all “what do you want me to say?” :) He gave me this embarrassed look and I think he blushed, but I was all dizzy from the sweat. I told him to speak form the heart… and he did.
So, that is what your son has been up to. Next week I’m going to sit down with Israel and Hezbollah - :) Maybe a sweat and prayer could save Lebanon? (My middle eastern spelling isn’t so grand!) :)
I love you mama and it’s getting late. But I had to write you because I miss you and I’m thinking about you. I can feel your prayers manifesting. It’s nice to know I always have you to look to fro a bit of inspiration. I’ll write again tomorrow. I love you, good night!
I love you,
Your son, Charlie
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