Monday, August 10, 2009



I’m sorry I have not written sooner. I’ve been with out $. I wanted to send you my words. I miss you and I love you. I’ve been so nervous lately- just uneasy. That $ you sent didn’t get here soon enough. That guy says we still owe $50 more. But that’s bullshit. My head dude stood up for me and said after that the matter is squashed. So I hate to ask you for more $ , but can you send $50 more to this guy’s family’s house. [He supplied the address].

There is so much tension in the air lately. We aren’t allowed to talk to anyone Black anymore and the Mexicans are going wild. I can’t wait to leave!

I just got those pictures we took at the visit. I thought I would send one to you- the one with you, Mom and I. I like it.

I’m watching the “Legend of the Fall” right now. I sort of like this one, but it’s sad. I wish you were watching it with me. It’s the movies that make me pine for freedom and love. But for now I’m immersed in patience. I love thinking of the cabin. Forest surrounding cabins on land far away from the chaos of the cities. I just want to walk into nature, away form all I see now and just be alone. But it would also be nice to have somewhere I could leave if I felt the urge and just be alone- yet come back to a home.

I haven’t heard from anyone in almost a month, excluding you. I would hate to be all alone. Mentally I thank God for having you in my life. One day I will be able to pay you back and make you so proud. I want to be able to show you that your love and support made my success possible and without it I would be nothing.

I regret all that I have ever taken for granted and never want to look back w/ regrets again. With all the guidance you provide, I’m sure this is possible; it is an eventually. I love you.

I wish I was there w/you during Charlie’s ordeal. I’m just glad you weren’t alone. That night I dreamt of him, but I didn’t realize it. I dreamt of a black dog growling at me, so I just stayed still. I was laying down and he came up growling yet, instead of attacking me, he laid his head down and used my feet as a pillow. (sound familiar?) As I moved, he picked up his head up and looked at me growling. But when I looked into his eyes, I could see confusion. It was like he was in pain and the only thing that gave him comfort was resting on me. That day I called Mom and Papa and just knew.

He was the best dog. All of my future pets won’t compare to him :). I loved that dog. I’m glad at least that Jesse and Cierra have someone to pal around with :).
All dogs go to heaven and Charlie was the star! It’s good that he’s out of pain thought. I’m gonna miss him.

I’m waiting to go to the lower level custody yard. It won’t be much longer. I’m guessing within the next year. I can’t wait. I feel like I am just existing in this cell, not doing anything productive. I’m starting to hate pushing my cellie around. I haven’t had a break from him since you came to visit. But when I get frustrated, I start to realize tat he must preparing me for something or I’ll just think about how I would feel if I was in his place. That usually chases away the negative. I just want to laugh away the pain. Smile at the nonsense that makes up this life that I lead right now :). One day, I will be able to sit down and tell of my time spent away form society- all with a smile on my face.

I understand completely about the detached emotions feeling. I think you can only feel a certain amount of crisis and all the emotions that go with crisis, before you learn from it and sort of move past those naive feels. It’s as though you’ve been there and done that and just knowing that there’s more to it than that. So I don’t think you’ve numbed yourself- just learned that crisis is a lie. Nothing is as bad as it seems. Even as I write this, I’m like, “Duh!” :) I love you.

That’s strange too, to think that most people go their whole lives without realizing this. “Realize”- I am starting to love this word. There’s something about it. The dictionary says: to make real of understand or comprehend fully; to obtain or achieve. Realize. It’s like whatever is right in front of you, yet didn’t realize what it was, blinded by your own eye’s – your emotions help you realize depending on instinct to fully understand. And there’s a certain satisfaction in that :).

I want a lemon meringue pie or key lime – ooooh coconut cream pie. I’m in pie mood. I can’t wait for real food- good home cooking- Mama food :). I love you!
I don’t know how heave this picture is so I will try and wrap this up. I have 48 months left if nothing happens w/ my case. 4 yrs. I feel like a different person now compared to the way I felt and the way I thought before I came in and for that I am grateful. Live and Learn, experience and enjoy.

I am grateful for the chance to get to know you better. I feel closer to you and fro that I am extremely grateful. If we never exchanged thoughts like we have in the past 3 years, I don’t believe I would have grown the way I fell I have. I am so fortunate to have you in my life. You’re one of my best friends. Thank you for being you. I love you.

My friend went home yesterday. After 4 ½ years, he left the gate. I was talking to him yesterday and the happiness he felt- I could imagine. His mom drove down form Denver, CO to meet him at the gate and all I could think of was the day I leave. It seems unreal, but the thought is a concrete one.

The knowledge that I have somewhere to go when my day comes fills me with happiness. I was so excited for him. I couldn’t stop thinking of him all day. I can’t wait to walk in the parks you talk of. I want to see the WA coast and walk barefoot in a forest. Just knowing that all this is possible is enough to get me through all of the bull that I am surrounded by.

You will be all you are. All you wish and all you hope are concrete thoughts, waiting to find you. Success has been waiting for you to find it. I can’t wait for you to be where you want. It’s so close! I can almost feel it click!:)

I love you so much Mama! Your words and thoughts fill my mind with love and hope. Proud is an understatement when describing the way I feel :).

One day soon, we will sit down and eat a huge meal as a family. Love will embrace us all. And everyone we have lost will rejoin us in spirit and we will just know. I love you.
Your son, Charlie

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